Stripe Test Keys Secret Key - sk_test_Vml7z2UGDcRshNNcNCK7juVn Publishable Key - pk_test_bKG9ywJottOysWZBR0eIejqp Test Values to test Stripe Card Number : 4242 4242 4242 4242 Exp Date : CVC : 123 Stripe Live Keys Secret Key - sk_live_1PMMbcHiuYFAkRG15JMCJlaL Publishable Key - pk_live_WJw0FUT7BZnFBcdhU6abnYIi Live Values to test Stripe Card Number : 5589 5500 1362 3071 Exp Date : 06/20 CVC : 072 ZIP : 75035 Jordan's Stripe Account Credentials Username: Password: J3@7k9QwZ12! Test PayPal Hosted Button ID (By Suresh Babu) : 45HW93N2BR4UW Seller : omnis123 Buyer : omnis123 PayPal Business Account in Sandbox Email : Password : am@zecH12#pm My PayPal Seller Account Email : Password : 1234567890 Hosted Button ID (By ME) : AXRWUL55JTW3Q
PayPal Test Account Creation Steps Error while creating PayPal Account RESULT=-1&RESPMSG=Failed to connect to host Input Server Uri = Bug Email Triggers - Not working for any scenario apart from Verification Mail for new Biz Admin Email trigger in Omnis does not work. Only when a new business admin account is created a verification mail is triggered. Apart from which mail doesn't trigger for any other scenarios (like, New user account creation by biz admin, Course Scheduled by biz admin, Session Status Change, Instructor Change)